
We value input from Gippsland communities and are excited about the benefits Star of the South would provide for the region.

Meet our team out and about


We love getting out and about to share project information, listen to feedback and answer questions from the community.

If you’d like to chat with the team, you can visit our Get Involved page to find out where we’ll be.

We’re always looking for new places to visit. If there’s an event happening in your town and you’d like us to come along – let us know!

Visit our Gippsland office


Drop into our Gippsland office at 310 Commercial Road on Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9 am - 5 pm, or by appointment to chat with our team.

Get in touch if you have any questions.

Local staff at our Gippsland office

Woodside Beach Twilight Market

Community information sessions - Yarram



Involving people from the very beginning is the best way to make projects better. Consultation with Traditional Owners, stakeholders, local communities and landholders is continual and ongoing.

At key stages we run formal consultations to seek feedback on specific activities or decisions which can be influenced by community feedback – but we’re always available and open to hearing ideas and feedback.

Consultation is an important part of our environmental assessment process. We’ve prepared a plan which sets out our approach to community consultation during the preparation of our Environment Impact Statement (EIS) and Environment Effects Statement (EES). Read the EIS/EES Consultation Plan (PDF, 1.2 MB).

Our Get Involved consultation website has information about opportunities to provide feedback.

Help shape the project

Visit our Get Involved site for more information on opportunities to get involved.