Working in offshore wind

Offshore wind is a huge global industry and it’s growing fast. A job in this dynamic sector could take you around the world or provide new opportunities close to home.

Explore a new career in offshore wind


Offshore wind may be new to Australia, but many Australians already have the skills and qualifications needed to work in this industry. 

With a wide range of quality jobs being created as the industry grows in Gippsland and around Australia, now is a great time to plan your move into offshore wind.  

Offshore wind jobs guide


If you’re wondering about the different roles in offshore wind, take a look at our Offshore Wind Jobs Guide

It includes an overview of typical jobs, skills and training needed to work in offshore wind.

You can also read about people already working in the industry in Australia and around the world. 

Browse all job profiles through our interactive job profiles page or download full the guide below.

Please note all job profiles are examples only and are not current vacancies. 

Making the move to offshore wind


Are your skills a good match for offshore wind? Find out in Making the move to offshore wind - a guide for workers.

This guide maps out key transition opportunities for workers in the coal power and mining, offshore oil and gas and maritime industries who want to continue their career in offshore wind.

Transition Opportunities: Coal to Offshore Wind


We partnered with TAFE Gippsland, EnergyAustralia Yallourn and Federation University Australia to develop 'Transition Opportunities: Coal to Offshore Wind' - a new resource for coal workers thinking about a career in offshore wind.

This resource was supported by the Victorian Government's Clean Economy Workforce Capacity Building Fund.